Garden Maintenance


A well-maintained garden that is healthy and thriving, not only provides a beautiful space for you to enjoy with family and friends, but will also increase the street appeal and value of your property. We take pride in our attention to detail on all jobs, big or small, and guarantee all works will be completed to a high-end finish: Planting & transplanting, Pruning, Hedging, Mulching, Fertilising ,Weed and Pest Control , and Green waste removal.

Service Suburbs

James and his team will assess, plan and implement the improvements you desire, to create your perfect garden space. With our ongoing garden maintenance service, you enjoy the best your gardens have to offer.

Why Maintenance is Important

Your garden needs the necessary nutrition, protection and cleaning practices is absolutely necessary to create a lasting and healthy garden.

Phillips gardening maintenance specialists treat your landscape with the care and attention it needs in order to remain beautiful.

With just one call to James Phillips, we can organise the work together to provide any combination of our services necessary to help maintain your garden or landscape.